SeeJay Huang釐清金剛經誤解 #6 金剛經的矛盾邏輯不矛盾:跳脫「自我指涉悖論」人生處處有矛盾,只是我們沒有覺察,金剛經用「自我指涉悖論」指出這點。這篇解釋「滅度無量無數無邊眾生,實無眾生得滅度者」這個悖論與後面「不住相布施」與「不住色生心」的關聯,實際上兩者是「所見」與「能見」的類比,悖論加上「是名A」就是類似正反合三段論辯證法了。Sep 3, 2020Sep 3, 2020
Eisel MazardMind and the Material ElementsContrasting Theravāda Primary Sources to their European Proxies.Mar 5, 2014Mar 5, 2014
InILLUMINATIONbySimon SpichakIs The Self An Illusion?From neuroscience to philosophy, evidence suggests that the self is not constant.Sep 20, 20208Sep 20, 20208
InPERENNIALbyJ.W. BertolottiParadoxically Thinking— Three Ways to Find the Middle WayHow to Embrace Tensions to Navigate a Complex WorldNov 1, 20223Nov 1, 20223
InInserting PhilosophybyDouglas Giles, PhDBuddhism Is Still WrongYelling and denial don’t alter thisMay 17, 202389May 17, 202389
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Vic Shayneis Krishnamurti really too negative? am I too negative? are you?vic shayne author the self is a belief: the idea that causes sufferingOct 13, 20222Oct 13, 20222
InThe LabyrinthbyGeorge PopovicNirvana from Start to FinishProbably all of the theoretics you wanted to know, and then some.Jan 10, 2020Jan 10, 2020
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InThe Philosophical InnbyAlberto García 🚀🚀🚀Four Disturbing Quotes by Gautama Buddha That Will Change Your Outlook On LifeDiscover the pearls of wisdom from one of history’s greatest sages.Mar 21, 202237Mar 21, 202237
The ShadeThe Indian Caste System and Karma TheoryHi folks, this is a perennial topic of great interest and an important and inevitable part of Indian social fabric. That is why I was so…Nov 7, 20155Nov 7, 20155
In涅槃的幸福人生思考bySeeJay Huang大乘非佛說(佛法?)爭議華人世界的佛教大多數是所謂北傳佛教、大乘佛教的地區,而南傳佛教、現在稱為上座部佛教,不應該稱小乘佛教,這有貶義是不合理的說法。傳播的歷史建議至維基百科:《上座部佛教》、《大眾部》與《大乘非佛說論諍》來了解,這裡只是大約的來談一下跟怎麼面對這個問題。Oct 31, 2019Oct 31, 2019
InILLUMINATIONbyFrank T BirdThe Buddha’s First Teaching Is That Happiness Is Not Possible.It’s the antithesis of our obsessive self-development cultureDec 8, 202114Dec 8, 202114